Neuro Note: Tourette Does the Talking

In the TEDx Talk, Tourette Does the Talking, Thomas White speaks about his experience with Tourette Syndrome. Thomas is a college student at the University of Notre Dame and gave insight on his typical day. He gave examples of his inappropriate conversations and involuntary actions. Thomas stated he is at battle with Tourette Syndrome in every second of every day. It was admirable watching the strength Thomas had when suppressing his tics on stage. He explained how the words that come out of him are not his own. Tourette’s has done most of the talking for Thomas, but he much more than that to the people in his life who pull away the façade. 

I learned that Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by motor and vocal tics, which is diagnosed if the tics last longer than a year. I also learned some vocabulary associated with this condition. Thomas says things that are inappropriate and cusses involuntarily, known as coprolalia. He also repeats certain words and phrases usually in 3s, known as echolalia. My biggest take away from this TEDx Talk is to embrace who you are. I watched Thomas unapologetically own who he is. He encouraged all to do the same. 

After watching this TEDx Talk, I did some more research to better understand Tourette’s. I read that symptoms can be managed with medication and tics may be less severe/complex as one ages (“Tourette Syndrome,” 2012). The cause of Tourette Syndrome is unknown; however, research suggests abnormalities in certain regions of the brain (basal ganglia, frontal lobes, cortex), connections between these regions, or neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine) could be the cause (“Tourette Syndrome,” 2012). Knowing the functions of the brain regions and neurotransmitters listed, the symptoms experienced make sense. 

I chose to watch this TEDx Talk because I honestly did not know much about Tourette Syndrome other than the stereotypical thoughts that come along with a certain diagnosis. I believe listening to someone speak about their experiences is the best way to encompass and understand all that is involved.

I highly recommended watching this TEDx Talk. It is a great way to learn more about Tourette Syndrome from a personal point of view. Thomas is a young man full of perseverance and inspiration. Most importantly, Thomas encouraged me to look past the challenge’s life may bring and live each day like the gift it is. 

Tourette Syndrome Fact Sheet. (2012, January). Retrieved July 26, 2020, from
White, T. (2014, February 24). Tourette Does the Talking [Video]. TED. 


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