Neuro Note: Breea's Story

“Multiple Sclerosis- Breea’s Story” was a short video documenting a year of Breea’s life after being diagnosed with an acute severe onset of Multiple Sclerosis. Breea was a cheerleader and a senior in high school when she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She experienced paralysis on the left side of her body, became blind in her left eye as well as had difficulty speaking and swallowing. Breea’s life changed drastically within 24 hours and had to spend a significant amount of time in the hospital. She had a lot of family and friends to support her. She received a lot of therapy in the hospital and at home. Breea read aloud her college essay and stated that staying positive and focusing on her dreams gives her the strength to keep working hard. Despite Breea’s life changing in the blink of an eye, she always seemed to have a smile on her face. 

The video clips throughout this video really stood out to me because in each one Breea had shown progress. In one video she was focusing so hard to move her fingers and then there was a video of Breea squeezing her mom's hand. There were videos showing Breea working on walking in therapy to jumping to her doing a back walkover with assistance in just 8 months after her diagnosis. It was inspiring to watch Breea work so hard and overcome the many challenges she faced. I learned symptoms of MS can be improved with therapy services. I had no idea it was possible for Breea to make that much improvement with her diagnosis.

Since we have not covered Multiple Sclerosis in class yet, I did some research to familiarize myself with the disease. I learned that MS is an autoimmune disease that affects the CNS in which the immune system destroys the myelin covering on nerves (Multiple Sclerosis). I know myelin is the protective covering around a nerve that increases the rate of communication between nerves. Due to the damaged myelin, communication between nerves can be slowed or blocked causing symptoms to very in people depending on which nerves are affected and the amount of damage (Multiple Sclerosis). I also learned most people with MS have periods of stability and periods of relapse (Multiple Sclerosis).

I chose to watch this video because the description intrigued me. I learn so much from personal stories and I honestly did not know much about Multiple Sclerosis. I thought it would be a good idea to learn more about MS before discussing it in class. 

I highly recommend watching this inspirational video documenting Breea’s journey. It shows the realistic challenges someone with MS will face. Breea overcame many challenges with a positive attitude and unwavering determination. It was truly incredible to watch the progress she made. 


Multiple sclerosis. (2020, June 12). Retrieved August 02, 2020, from
Renee, B. [breeareneebeatsms]. (2012, September 8). Multiple Sclerosis - Breea’s Story 


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