Settings of Interest as an OT Practitioner

When I first chose OT as my career path I was set on working in a hospital, preferably with children. After accumulating shadowing hours in several settings and expanding my knowledge of different settings, I can honestly say I have no idea what setting I want to work in as an OT practitioner. However, I am still partial to working with children because I love the energy children bring. Also, most of my shadowing hours were with children. I am open to working with other age groups since I lack experience with adults and geriatrics.

I am interested in working in a public agency such as a hospital or school. I have always envisioned myself working in a hospital; however, I believe I would enjoy working in a school as well, especially since the roles of OTs in schools are expanding. Also, I am intrigued by the psychological scope of practice. I think I would really enjoy working with people who have a mental illness because it would be challenging and I love to challenge myself. It also interests me because I could work with a wide range of ages.

I look forward to exploring all the settings of OT throughout my journey in OT school. I am curious how my preferences may change, or not change, over time. I am certain I will eventually find my passion and niche in OT.


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