Implicit Bias
Implicit bias is subconscious thoughts we have about a particular group. Our brains stereotype different groups of people without our awareness. We associate words, thoughts, and experiences with a particular group. Implicit biases are the assumptions we make based on appearance, and it is not exclusive to just race, gender, and political groups.
It is important for OT students and practitioners to learn about and be aware of their own implicit bias. If we are aware of our own biases, we can reflect and try to improve. OT is client-centered which means we value our client’s perspectives. It is critical that we do not make decisions for our clients based on our assumptions, thoughts, or feelings about them.
I think it is important to be aware of your own biases in order reflect. You can even participate in an online study which involves taking a survey that reveals your own implicit bias. Something you can do to address your own implicit bias is broaden your viewpoints by educating yourself. If you want to change your biases, focus on just the individual instead of allowing a stereotype to define them.
After going through the materials for this session my biggest take away is that implicit bias is human nature. Thinking a particular way does not make you a bad person. How you interpret, reflect, and act on these assumptions can promote change.
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