My Favorite Advertisement
As I was scrolling through Facebook about 2 years ago, I came across a video commercial for Bouygues, a technology/phone company in France. The video begins with the dad playing a tape of the song “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone and dancing to his baby. As the video continues, the dad started to dance every time that song came on in a store, the car, or a restaurant. It became the father and son’s “thing” even in times of embarrassment. Towards the end of the video, the dad hears a present ringing under the Christmas tree. He opens it and finds a phone. He answers the video chat and it shows the son grown up with his own child. The son starts playing “Come and Get Your Love” while dancing with his child and then the dad starts dancing with them through the phone. This advertises how their phones are much more than just technology, it’s a way to connect with people you love.
This is a “feel good” advertisement and it stuck out to me because it makes me think of my dad. I am a total “daddy’s girl” and this video reminds me of the special bond I have with him. My dad is always dancing to music he loves or just to be goofy. He thinks he is a really good dancer (LOL) and won’t hold back if he hears a good song in public – yup embarrassing.
The primary aspect of my nervous system in response to this advertisement is the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain that stores long term memories. I had a childhood flashback of dancing in the living room with my sister and dad to his Eric Clapton concerts, which we would do every Friday afternoon while my mom worked late. It also brought back other funny memories of when he would dance. Another aspect of my brain involved in my response to this advertisement is the temporal lobe, which is why I recognized the song “Come and Get Your Love.” I also moved my body and head to the beat while watching due to sensory and motor circuits.
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