Media Project: Paula's Computer Keyboard Slant Board

My client for the media project is Paula. She is 76 years old and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 7 years ago. Paula resides in a skilled nursing facility and wishes to have her computer with her and really misses her husband. Paula’s main priorities for OT intervention are to use her computer and communicate with her husband and colleagues as well as independently bathe and dress herself.             `

My assigned material was a cereal box. At first, I thought it was going to be so easy to come up with an idea because there is so much you can do with a cereal box. However, coming up with an idea turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated. I struggled looking past the original use of the object. I relied on Pinterest and Google to inspire me, which never happened. My inspiration came after reading Paula’s case for undoubtedly the tenth time. I finally came up with an idea after changing my perspective on how I was going to help Paula. I was trying to create something that addressed every area of challenge or priority. My ah-ha moment was realizing that addressing one goal will still make a difference. 


I went through 3 different ideas in my mind before coming up with the computer keyboard slant board. The design of my final project was definitely different than what I initially imagined. My creativity was flowing while constructing, allowing me to develop a better device. I also had to problem solve on the spot by gluing popsicle sticks to the back of the cereal box to make it sturdy. This process taught me it is okay to change my original plan. I developed a better device from adapting my design. 


This project helped me to think simpler. This was a great reminder that things do not need to be expensive or complex to be useful. I learned how to be resourceful and will continue to have this mindset when assigned other projects similar to this one and when needing to design a product or intervention for a future client. It is amazing how many objects around my apartment can be made into something useful and meaningful with a little creativity. 


Please follow this link to learn more about my computer keyboard slant board:


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