Impostor Syndrome

 I love OT and the endless possibilities for helping clients. The very thing I love most about this profession is also what overwhelms me the most. After observing how much knowledge my professors and clinical instructors have, I cannot help but wonder how in the world will I know all of this without google or looking back at my notes. It is easy to have feelings of doubt when there seems to be SO MUCH to know. Impostor syndrome is the feeling of not being as competent or intelligent as others perceive them. I have worked very hard to succeed in school, so why do I feel this way? Impostor syndrome is intensified by perfectionism, black-and-white thinking, and fear of rejection or failure. This mindset leads to anxiety, insecurity, and stress.

After learning more about impostor syndrome, I have discovered strategies to combat the feelings of doubt. The most helpful for me will be to think back to when I feared something and succeeded anyways, remind myself of my achievements, find a mentor, positive self-talk, network, and create goals. These tips will help me feel less like an impostor and more like who I really am – a future OT practitioner! This is only the beginning of my knowledge.

The impostor test was created to determine the extent one experiences impostor syndrome. The test involves rating your opinion/truth with the statement and adding up the numerical score for each statement. A score of 40 or less indicates one has few impostor characteristics and a score of 80 or more indicates on has intense impostor experiences. I scored a 63, which is indicative of frequently experiencing impostor feelings. I agree with this score. I know that my score is much higher right now, thinking about my upcoming level II fieldwork rotations and how much I need to do to prepare. I often hold myself to an impossible standard when I do not know exactly what is expected of me. However, I know I will feel less like an impostor after my first week of FW because the buildup stress will be gone. Fieldwork is a learning experience; I just need to do my best and take advantage of tools and opportunities that are given. 

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